Food Drive for Thanksgiving Baskets
Need items for three (3) Baskets
Please Sign Up
Need items by Nov 22, 2020
NOTE: Items cannot be expired
It’s that time again! We are collecting items for our annual Thanksgiving food baskets for our families in need. We appreciate your help with donations for these baskets. We do have sign up sheets in the Fellowship Hall to avoid overlap. If you are not attending our services in person but would still like to help with this project, please contact Debbie Morton (info below). Suggested items:
canned foods: Corn, cranberry sauce, ham, etc.
boxed foods: Stuffing mix, mac & cheese, etc.
fresh foods: Potatoes, rolls, etc.
baking goods: Sugar, flour, etc.
gift cards: HEB, Target, or Walmart (No more than $50 each)
You can contact Debbie Morton at 512-280-4625 or for any questions. Thank you!